Online Courses Historical Theology Select one option HC305: The Church on Historical Context I HC307: The Church in Historical Context II CH305: Augustine of Hippo: His Life and Theology CH351: History of Heresies Submit Δ Systematic Theology Select one option ST421: Systematic Theology I ST422: Systematic Theology II ST305: Reformed Confessions TH305: Doctrine of Man Submit Δ Biblical Languages Select one option GK101: Fundamentals of Koine Greek I GK111: Fundamentals of Koine Greek II GK201: Fundamentals of Koine Greek III GK220: Fundamentals of Koine Greek IV HB101: Basics of Biblical Hebrew I HB110: Basics of Biblical Hebrew II Hebrew II BI205: New Testament Exegesis I BI206: New Testament Exegesis II Submit Δ Pastoral Theology Select one option 321B: Foundations for Pastoral Care PC191: Biblical Soul Care CW450: Forming Worshiping Communities CE712A: Theological Education as Formation for Ministry CE110: Christian Discipleship CE350B: Christian Leadership CO101: Introducing Pastoral Counseling I: Theory and Practice CO102: Introducing Pastoral Counseling II: Application PD201: Biblical Soul Care Submit Δ Applied Theology Select one option BIBL450: Interpreting Genesis One SC564: Intersection of Theology and Science CE451: Christian Ethics CE350: Christian Engagement with World Religions 450B-A: Christian Apologetics Submit Δ New Testament Studies FOUNDATIONAL LEVEL Select one option BI110: New Testament Survey BI190: The New Testament Use of The Old Testament: Methodology and Practice BI101: The Lord’s Prayer NT102-24S2(C): Jesus and the Gospels NT205: Study of the Four Gospels NT251: The Sermon on the Mount Submit Δ INTERMEDIATE LEVEL Select one option NT309: Critical Issues in the Synoptic Gospels THEO321: Synoptic Gospels and Johannine Study NT345: Paul’s Theology and the Letter to Philippians NT350A: New Testament Theology NT351: Paul’s Letter to Galatians NT351: Book Study – The Letter to Hebrews BS410: New Testament Narratives NT405: Rabbi Named Jesus: His Teachings and Conversations in the Jewish Context 412NT: New Testament Letters Submit Δ ADVANCED LEVEL Select one option BIBL 515 ─ Interpreting the New Testament I (Gospels-Acts) BIBL 515 ─ Interpreting the New Testament II (Pauline Epistles-Revelation) 521NT: Study on the Letter to First Corinthians NT551: Study on the Gospel of John 550BS: Study on the Johannine Literature NTT605: New Testament Theology NT710: Christian Theology BS836: Study on the Letter to Romans NT850: New Testament Criticism THEO 521: Biblical Theology of Mission Submit Δ